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Modernization of Education Contents of Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah 1900-1942 in North Sumatera

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15 November 2018 23:28 WIB
Dibaca: 879
Penulis : Solihah Titin Sumanti, Hasan Asari and Al Rasyidin



This study aims to reveal how the process of modernization of education content on the organization Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah years 1900-1942. The issues raised are: (1) how the historical background in modernizing education content of the three organizations; (2), how the modernization process of these organizations to arrange their education content; (3), how the these organizations dissemination of education content on the subjects. This is solved by historical method comprising the steps of: heuristics; second, verification; interpretation; historiography, and social history. The findings research informs: First, the three organizations have the same background in determining the education content, those are, first; the spirit leaders spreading Islam in accupation situation by orienting on Islamic education of the occupation, second; the intellectual contact internally an externally to conceive and build on the progress of Islamic education. Third; The strong desire to equate Islamic education progress with the western progress (colonization), fourth; The desire to realize the equality social among communities in receiving education and the world of work. The second finding is; the same formulate of education content material Islamic teaching that originated from AD and ART, but have different ways depending on modern education content. Muhammadiyah with revolutionary and Nahdlatul Ulama with evolutionary, and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah with situasionery. the third finding is; the similarities of education content modernization process using a common and religious material. However they have differences on the distribution of the content in the subjects, Muhammadiyah is innovative and NahdlatulUlama is creative and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah is very selective. 





Islamic education in Indonesia goes hand in hand with the entry of Islamic teachings in Indonesia. The process of spreading Islamic teachings in the community influences the implementation of local education that encourages the emergence of Islamic schools in Indonesia, for example, islamic boarding school (pesantren).1 As the times progressed, Islamic education in Indonesia was challenged by modernity and postmodernity. Islamic education in the context of modernity is faced with industrial markets and in the context of postmodernity, Islamic education is faced with the utilization of information technology which resulted in the necessity to review the contents of Islamic education in Indonesia.2


Structuring and reviewing the content of education, indicating that there has been a historical development that led to organizational leaders in developing educational content that moves individually or in groups. The important point in this regard is the unification of Western education brought by foreigners in Indonesia, with Islamic education. Such circumstances result in Islamic values being fundamental to the development of Islamic education materials throughout its journey as it is applied in the teaching sciences of Islamic schools.3


Islamic education materials are formed as Islamic sciences and applied to the subjects. The third process is called the content of Islamic education in this study. Educational content is used by researchers to describe the development of teachings into educational materials. The manifestation of the teaching becomes the science that enters in the School by loading the materials in the subjects. The content of this education summarizes all such processes from the emergence of the teachings to the availability of materials and into the sciences that are disseminated as subjects.


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Tags: ModernizationofEducationContentsofMuhammadiyah , NahdlatulUlama , andAlJam’iyatulWashliyah1900-1942inNorthSumatera , SolihahTitinSumanti , HasanAsari , AlRasyidin




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